Job Description:Software Engineer

Site: YuquanCampus, Zhejiang University, 38 Zheda Rd, Hangzhou, 310027, P.R. China.

Application procedure: Must be submitted together with a comprehensive cover letter and CV, both inEnglish. The cover letter must reflect all points indicated in the jobdescription.

Contact: Dr Azim Uddin, Email:;

Professor Faxiang Qin, Email:;

Position status: Contractbased 6-12 months

SalarySalarynegotiable in person

Business hours: 40hours working week, 5 days, Monday-Friday      

Payment scheme: Paid monthly.

Project description

The announced position of softwareengineer is intended to ensure the further development of the microwavelaboratory at InCSI institute towards the automation of physical experimentsand the creation of new measurement techniques and materials. The laboratoryhas a wide range of electronic and mechanical devices from leadingmanufacturers, such as Rohde&Schwarz, Instron, Zwick/Roell, Kollmorgen,etc, which need to be integrated into unified measurement systems with amaximum possible level of automation and convenient graphical user interfaces(GUI). Ultimately, we hope to create a dynamic R&D team capable offundamental scientific research as well as offering expertise to commercialcustomers.

Purpose of the job

The core focus of this role is theprogramming of electronic devices and test equipment using Python and SCPI, PLCprogramming of robotic platforms, development of numerical algorithms and theirimplementation, and creation of graphical user interfaces (GUI). The roleimplies a high proficiency in Python that will be our core programming languagein the project. Practical experience with other programming languages widelyused in natural sciences, such C++, C#, Fortran, and LabVIEW, would beappreciated. It is also expected that the candidate will be able to implementthe methods of artificial intelligence (AI) for processing the test data.Familiarity with microcontrollers and GPIO applications would be also usefulfor some automation tasks.

Automation of measurements,programming and numerical signal processing:

       Todevelop Python and SCPI codes for controlling electronic devices and testequipment.

       Todevelop PLC codes for controlling robotic platforms.

       Tocode microcontrollers.

       Tohelp developing numerical signal processing algorithms.

       Todevelop graphical user interfaces (GUI) in Python.

       Toselect the proper computation platforms.

Computing skills:

       Thecandidate must be computer literate with a working knowledge of MicrosoftOffice (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Familiarity with other advanced graphical orCAD editors (SolidWorks, CATIA, Inventor) would be very advantageable, e.g.ability to draw sketches directly in SolidWorks, CATIA, or Inventor.

Essential Experience

       Practicalprogramming experience in Python, PLC and LabVIEW for robotics and otherlanguages for engineering applications or academic research.

       Highproficiency in one or several IDE (PyCharm, Microsoft Visual Studio, etc).

       Practicalexperience on microcontrollers (Arduino, Arm, etc).

       Anylevel of knowledge of parallel computing (e.g. NVIDIA CUDA).


       Masterdegree in a software engineering or physical discipline.


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