捐赠著作包括学术专著 《中国战略性新兴产业·前沿新材料丛书-超材料》,《Ferromagnetic Microwire Composites: From Sensors toMicrowave Applications 磁性纤维复合材料:从传感到微波应用》,《Microwires Enabled Multifunctional Composites微米纤维多功能复合材料》。
出版时间: 2020-09
字数: 309千字
著作:FerromagneticMicrowire Composites: From Sensors to Microwave Applications
编著:彭华新,秦发祥,Manh-Huong Phan
出版时间: 2016-04
内容简介:Situated at the forefront of interdisciplinaryresearch on ferromagnetic microwires and their multifunctional composites, thisbook starts with a comprehensive treatment of the processing, structure,properties and applications of magnetic microwires. Special emphasis is placedon the giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) effect, which forms the basis fordeveloping high-performance magnetic sensors. After defining the key criteriafor selecting microwires for various types of GMI sensors, the book illustrateshow ferromagnetic microwires are employed as functional fillers to create a newclass of composite materials with multiple functionalities for sensing andmicrowave applications. Readers are introduced to state-of-the-art fabricationmethods, microwave tunable properties, microwave absorption and shieldingbehaviours, as well as the metamaterial characteristics of these newlydeveloped ferromagnetic microwire composites. Lastly, potential engineeringapplications are proposed so as to highlight the most promising perspectives,current challenges and possible solutions.
著作:MicrowiresEnabled Multifunctional Composites
出版社:Scholar’s Press
出版时间: 2014
内容简介:Composite materials are attractive as they cancombine the superior properties and functionalities of each of theirconstituents. Much of current research focuses on developing multifunctionalcomposites, which unite good mechanical (structural) attributes along withfunctional properties such as thermal, electrical, or magnetic characteristics.A particularly interesting example of such a composite consists offerromagnetic microwires embedded in a polymer matrix,which is the main theme of the current book. These composites can exploitphenomena occurring in the wires such as the giant magnetoimpedance effect andcan also offer emergent properties that arise from the mesoscale arrangement ofthe microwires (so-called metacomposites). Possible applications include remotemonitoring of structural integrity, electromagnetic shielding, and cloaking atmicrowave wavelengths. The book should be therefore of general interest toresearchers working on functional composite materials, especially for thoseworking on electromagnetic composites and metacomposites. The fundamentaltheory and technical know-how provided in the book should also be useful forstudents and composite engineers.
笔砚耕学苑,珠玑传千秋。求是文脉,辉映学林。文章大业,不朽盛事。 百年恰似风华正茂,今日之浙大,正在更高使命愿景的引领下,开启迈向世界一流大学前列的新征程。