Professor Jingzhe PAN (潘敬哲)
Professor in Mechanicsof Materials
Department ofEngineering,
University of Leicester
时 间:2019年3月14日(周四) 14:00
地 点:曹光彪高科技大楼7楼远望庐
A Holy Grail for clinical cardiology was to develop a scaffoldfor balloon treated coronary arteries that resorbed once no longer required.Unfortunately, Abbott announced in Sep 2017 that sale of Absorb BVS, the onlybioresorbable coronary scaffold approved in Europe and US, would end. Despiteinitial enthusiasm by cardiologists and the devices being implanted in manythousands of patients, clinical evidence of high rates of very late scaffoldthrombosis (VLST) led to concerns of the physician community and discontinueduse. This is a major setback for patients and a new industry built around BVSs.This talk will presents a review of this setback and a computer modellingstrategy to address the problem. A mathematical framework for computersimulation of biodegradation of bioresorbable medical implants, such as the coronary stents, is outlined.The mathematical equations can be solved using the finite element method andused for the design of the bioresobable implants. The material parameters inthe equations can be obtained through “reverse engineering” of existing devicesfor which degradation data exit. The data and equations can then be used topredict the degradation rate of new devices that are made of the same polymer.It has been shown that the mathematical model is able to fit all the availabledegradation data for PLAs and PGA in the literature. A series of demonstrationexamples are presented here. In particular the model is extended to predictingdrug release from degrading polymeric devices as well as change in mechanicalproperties, such as Young’s modulus, during degradation. The mathematic modeloffers a powerful tool for the design of the next generation of bioresorbableimplants.
Jingzhe PAN is Professor ofMechanics of Materials in the Department of Engineering, University ofLeicester. Prof. Pan is the deputy head of department and head of mechanics ofmaterials research group. The Group hosts an EPSRC Doctor Training Centre onmetal processing, a joint Materials Innovation Centre with TWI Ltd and anAdvanced Microscopy Centre. He was awarded the 2018 Verulam Medal from theBritish Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IoM3) in recognitionfor his distinguished contributions to ceramics.
浙大复材专家系列讲座 第10期
InCSI Special CompositesSeminar (No.10)