Dr. Jinglei Yang (杨晶磊)
Departmentof Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology
时间:2016年04月07日 2:30pm
邀请人:秦发祥研究员; 彭华新 教授
Dr Jinglei Yang iscurrently an Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).Prior to joining HKUST, he was an Assistant Professor at Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity (NTU) and a Post-doctoral Research Associate at University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He obtained his Bachelor and Masterdegrees from University of Science and Technology of China in 1999 and 2002,respectively, and Ph.D. degree from the Institute for Composite Materials atTechnical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany in 2006. He received Wilfried Ensinger Awardsupported by the Scientific Alliance of the University Professors of PolymerTechnology (WAK) Germany for his excellent PhD dissertation work. His researchinterests include multifunctional composites/structures/coatings and mechanics.He has held a number of grants as Principle Investigator with total support ofequivalent CNY22 million including governmental and industrial projects. He hasdone significant research and innovation work in his areas and filed a numberof international patents and published more than 80 refereed papers (withcitation of >2000 and H-index of 21) in the high impact journals. He oftengave Keynote and invited talks in the important international conferences andacted as board member and peer reviewer by invitation for a number ofscientific journals.
Abstract:Encapsulation techniques have beendeveloped since last century primarily for controlled release or slow releasein various areas, including pharmacy, food technology, cosmetics, etc. Theencapsulated product, namely microcapsule, has a core-shell structure. Bytuning shell structures with desired core materials, a vast number ofcombinations of new microcapsules can be designed and fabricated to realizeunusual or unconventional functions that a single material cannot fit.Therefore, in the last two decades, functional and multifunctional intelligentmaterials based on microencapsulation have been successfully designed anddeveloped for potential engineering applications. Inthis talk, I will introduce and review various encapsulation techniquesdeveloped in my group to fabricate different types of microcapsules formultifunctional materials, which have addressed specific engineering issues,such as self-healing of damage, self-cleaning surface coatings,anti-fouling marine coatings, encapsulated phase change materials for greenbuildings, self-lubrication of tribomaterials,encapsulated shear-thickening liquids for impact resistance, and so on. Theperspectives of future development of microencapsulation methods will becommented as well.
浙大复材专家系列讲座 第2期
InCSISpecial Composites Seminar (No.2)