The 7th Zhejiang University Postgraduate International Workshop - Summer School of Electromagnetic Composite Materials


Build aninternational communication bridge to facilitate the research ofelectromagnetic composite materials

School ofMaterials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University successfully held the2022 "The 7th Zhejiang University Postgraduate InternationalWorkshop" .  


"Being able to easilyparticipate in international conferences online and have in-depth exchangeswith well-known professors in the field is an all-round improvement for me, notonly in terms of academic vision, but also in English communication skills.Thanks to the school and the college for building this platform and giving opportunity,I am looking forward to the next summer school of electromagnetic compositematerials.” A student who participated in the summer school of electromagneticcomposite materials lamented. The "Postgraduate InternationalWorkshop" or "Postgraduate Summer School" established byZhejiang University has been committed to providing international exchangeopportunities for postgraduates. In the context of the epidemic, from July 13to September 13, 2022, the School of Materials Science and Engineering ofZhejiang University has explored new modes of offshore innovation andlong-distance cooperation by joining forces with Lab-STICC laboratory,Université de Bretagne Occidentale, which can enrich the supply of high-qualityinternational educational resources, and greatly improve the interest ofstudents in participating in international exchanges.


Fig.1School of Materials Science and Engineering: International Exchange Class of"Summer School of Electromagnetic Composite Materials"

Fig.2Professor Christian Brosseau

Professor Christian Brosseau's teamfrom the Lab-STICC laboratory of the Université de Bretagne Occidentale, hasbeen engaged in theoretical research on electromagnetic composite materialssuch as computational electromagnetics and electromagnetic wave propagation incomplex media for more than thirty years.

Professor Brosseau is a Fellow ofthe Optical Society of America, Fellow of the Institute of Physics, and Fellowof the Electromagnetics Academy. He is currently an associate editor of theJournal of Applied Physics. Dr. Brosseau has also served on the editorialboards of Optics Communications (2005-2008), Optics Letters (2005-2010), andthe American Journal of Physics (2008-2010). He continues to serve on theboards of Nanotechnology, the Journal of Nanomaterials, and Progress in Optics.He is also a prolific author, with 186 articles in international journals andthree book chapters, his publications have been cited more than 4600 times. Hehas published several monographs and is an undisputed international leader inthe field of electromagnetic composite materials.

Based on the practical problems inthe field of electromagnetic composite materials, "ElectromagneticComposite Materials Summer School" invites well-known professors fromrelevant backgrounds to provide students with high-quality internationalcourses with distinctive characteristics, and expands a practice path of internationaldistance cooperation to cultivate talents. The project aims to stimulate theenthusiasm of the students to participate in the international exchanges, andto create a high-level and large-scale international electromagnetic compositeresearch resource "cloud" sharing platform.


Fig.3Problems encountered by students in their research with ProfessorBrosseau

This year is the first "SummerSchool of Electromagnetic Composite Materials". Relying on the support of"The 7th Zhejiang University Postgraduate International Workshop", itis open to research colleagues nationwide in a free and open form, attracting atotal of 352 participants from many domestic universities. It includes not onlyundergraduates and graduate students who are thirsty for knowledge, but also well-knownprofessors in the electromagnetic composite field. The course has a total of 16class hours. In the early stage, Professor Brosseau gave lectures, and in thelater stage, the students discussed with Professor Brosseau on the questionsraised by people in the WeChat group. It has created a diversified andhigh-quality platform for Chinese and foreign teachers to participate together,which enable the Chinese and foreign students to take classes in the sameclass. At the same time, it provides a communication platform for domesticscholars in the field of electromagnetic composite materials in the form of"course WeChat group". According to statistics, most of the studentsare satisfied with the electromagnetic composite materials summer school andbelieve that participating in the course is very helpful to improve theirEnglish. The students said that by participating in this summer internationalschool, they have learned the cutting-edge knowledge in the field ofelectromagnetic composite materials , expanded the international vision, andalso improved their English and expression ability. It is hoped that the secondelectromagnetic composite materials summer school will be held in the comingyear.

Under the background of the epidemic,the continuous development of Zhejiang University's"Postgraduate International Workshop" and "Postgraduate SummerSchool" platforms marks the mainstream trend of international academicexchanges in the future. The development of the exchange platform"Electromagnetic Composite Materials Summer School" of the School ofMaterials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University will also help morestudents gain international exchange opportunities and expand their academichorizons.

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