Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS)


The Quantum Design PPMS represents a unique concept in laboratoryequipment: an open architecture, variable temperature-field system, designed toperform a variety of automated measurements. Use the PPMS with ourspecially-designed measurement options, or easily adapt it to your ownexperiments. Sample environment controls include fields up to ±16 tesla andtemperature range of 1.9 - 400 K. Its advanced expandable design combines manyfeatures in one instrument to make the PPMS the most versatile system of itskind.

PPMS Features 

Sealed sample chamber with 2.6 cm diameter sample access.  

EverCool-II cryogen-free cooling technology.   

Versatile sample mounts couple easily to the 12 electrical leads built into the cryostat insert. 


The PPMS is controlled by the Model 6000, a sophisticated microprocessor-controlled device that eliminates the need to use or purchase external bridges, current or voltage sources, or lock-in amplifiers. 

Continuous Low-Temperature Control – maintains temperature below 4.2 K and offers smooth temperature transitions when warming and cooling through 4.2 K.

Temperature Sweep Mode. 

User Experiments – External instruments may be controlled automatically using an integrated Visual Basic interface within our Windows-based MultiVu control software or by controlling external Visual C++, Delphi or Visual Basic programs. Click here for more details. In addition, our Grapher utility displays data as it is being collected.

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