The Institute for Composites Science Innovation (InCSI) has startedthe collaboration with Prof. Rodney S. Ruoff at the Center for MultidimensionalCarbon Material (CMCM) mainly focused on the training of joint PhD in thedirection of carbon based materials since 2018.
Prof. Rodney S. Ruoff visited InCSI in Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University
CMCMis one of the centers in the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) located in UlsanNational Insitute of Science and Technology (UNIST) with completeinfrastructure and world class comprehensive conditions. IBS was established inNovember 2011 as a research institute funded by the Korean government to carryout pure basic scientific research. Its status in South Korea is similar tothat of the Chinese Academy of Science. It possesses the most research anddevelopment funding among all Korean research institutions.
Prof.Rodney S. Ruoff is the Director of the center CMCM, which is consisted of threegroups: materials group, synthesis group and theory group. Prof. Ruoff is theleader of materials group, his current research efforts are focused on
ü Synthesis, structure, and properties of novel materials includingnanostructures and 2D materials;
ü Novel carbon materials (graphene, 2D diamond, diamond-includingnew routes to making diamond, nanotubes, sp3-sp2 hybrids, negative curvaturecarbon, carbon nanofoams, boron nitride allotropes, other advanced materials);
ü Fabrication and properties of composites and nanocomposites;
ü Instrument development and energy storage.
Besides,Prof. Ruoff is also the distinguished professor at department of Chemistry,Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST). Prof. Ruoff alreadyhas 470 Journal Pubs., 40 Conf. Pubs., 47 Patents, 8 Books Edited, 2 Book Chapters,and h-index=143 (Google Citation).
Considering CMCM group is focused on the basic science and ourinstitute is devoted to engineering, the collaboration can largely promote theintegration of theoretical research and application. Such as the synthesis andstructure design of novel materials which can be used for the electromagneticshielding and microwave absorbing; the fabrication of nanocomposites,especially the dispersion problem of the nanoparticles in epoxy could improvethe property of large composite plate.