Doctoral Degree Programs Admission 2018


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Doctoral Degree Programs  

Zhejiang University is ranked among China’s leading Universitiesfor both the quantity and quality of its doctoral degree programs. Severalhundred academic majors are established in colleges and departments affiliatedto seven faculties of science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, informationtechnology, humanities and social sciences. Withprogram length of 3-4 academic years,doctoral degree programs areoffered inChinese generally, while some English-taught programs are also available. Graduates fulfilling all thedegree requirements will be awarded the doctoral degree. 

 Applicants are encouraged to contact their prospectivesupervisors prior to application and are expected to enclose in their applicationpackage with the Form for Provisional Acceptance of International Student byZJU Professor.


Application Deadline:  May 20, 2018. 

Please make sure the mailedapplication documents arrive before deadline.

Beginning of the Programs
degree programs of ZhejiangUniversity is supposed to start in Mid-September. For the exact date, pleaserefer to the Admission Notice.

LiberalArts                                                             RMB29,800/year
Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Economics, Business, Law   RMB34,800/Year

Medicalscience, Art, Physicalculture                            RMB39,800/Year

An extra RMB 8,000/year will becharged for doctoral degree programs taught in English.

Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health with noinfectious disease or any physical or mental diseases that may affect thenormal study, have a master’s degree and be under the age of 45 (Age limit isflexible for healthy applicants with certain work experience and high academicability).  

 Language proficiencyrequirements:

1.    Applicants for Chinese-taught programs of literature, history, philosophy, educationand law should have a level 4 HSKcertificate with minimum score of 210or HSK certificate of level 5 or above; applicants for other Chinese-taughtprograms should have a level 4 HSKcertificate with minimum score of 190or HSK certificate of level 5 orabove.

2.    There are no Chinese language proficiencyrequirements for the applicants of English-taught programs, but they (exceptfor English native speakers) must have an internet-based TOEFL test score 90 orIELTS test score 6.5 (or above).

Documents for Application (Bound and Placed in the FollowingOrder)

1. Application Form for Admission to Zhejiang University pastedwith a recent photograph (white background, 35mm×45mm in size).

Applicants shall fill in andsubmit the application form via the online application system first, then print and sign theApplication Form produced by the online application system.

2. A photocopy of passport.

3. Formfor Provisional Acceptance of International Student by ZJU Professor. (Ifany

4. Highest degree certificates,which must be original documents or notarized copies. If applicants areuniversity students, they shall provide an official pre-graduationcertificate showing their student status and stating expected graduation date.Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached withnotarized translations in Chinese or English.

5. Academic transcripts duringMaster’s and Bachelor’s degree study, which must be original documents ornotarized copies. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must beattached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.

6. Photocopies of language(Chinese or English) proficiency certificates. Applicants for Chinese-instructed programs must provide thephotocopy of HSK certificate.Applicants for English-instructedprograms must provide the certificateof TOEFL or IELTS test score. (Not required for English native speakers)

7. Personal statement, inChinese or English, should include study and work experience, reasons forapplication and study proposal. No less than 1500 words.

8. Two letters ofrecommendation from full professors or associate professors, in Chinese orEnglish. (Professors’ signature, contact phone number and email address must beput on the letter.)
9. Published academic papers or otheracademic achievements. (If any)

10. Remittance receipt of theapplication fee (RMB 400 Yuan).



Applicantsshall submit or post all the above-mentioned application materials to theAdmission Office of  the International College of Zhejiang University inperson or entrust others with that by the deadline. Theapplication package should be labeled “Doctoral Degree Program ApplicationMaterials.”

Theincomplete application materials or the application submitted by email will notbe processed. The additional documents may be required when necessary.

Applicationmaterials will NOT be returned regardless of the result of the application.


1.The university enrollment will be madeon the basis of competitive selection according to the students’ academicperformance, personal study plan and HSK test grade, etc.

2.Thename list of admitted applicants will be announced on the International Collegewebsite in late July 2018. Admission Notice with other relevant documents willbe sent out before the end of July, 2018.


Successful applicants should apply for the student visa (X1 visa)to the Chinese embassy or consulate in their home country with passport,“Admission Notice” and “Visa Application for Study in China” and registerwithin the specified time at Zhejiang University. Successful applicants whosubmitted pre-graduation certificate during the application must provide theoriginal copy or notarized photocopy of degree certificate upon registration;those who fail to provide will be disqualified from admission.

Medical Insurance

Students who have paid the whole academic year tuition fees intime or funded by full-scholarship are entitled to the comprehensive MedicalInsurance offered by the university. Relevant medical insurance items can befound at

Note: The medical treatment expense for physical or mentaldiseases which students suffered before coming to China cannot be covered bythis insurance.



After the registration within the specified time, new students will be assigned to dormitories according to Zhejiang University's arrangements. For accommodationdetails, please referto the Life Guide on the Website of the International College of Zhejiang University.


Mailing  Address:Room 4500/3504, International CollegeBuilding, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University, HangzhouChina

Post Code: 310027  Email:

Tel:   Ms. Pan  +86 571 87951456

         Mr. Xu   +86 57187951718

Fax:  +86 571 87951755


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