Participating in the International Conference on Composites Materials - ICCM 21


The 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM21) wassuccessfully held at the Xi'an, China fromAugust 21st to 25th, 2017. ICCM is thelargest and most influential academic conferencein the field of composite materialswhich is organized by International Committee on CompositeMaterials every two years. This time the conference washosted by Chinese Society for Composite Materials and its Honorary President - Prof. Du Shanyi, a member of the Chinese Academy ofEngineering, served as the chairman of the conference. Professor Peng Hua-Xin,Director of the Institute for Composites Science Innovation (InCSI), served asthe Program Co - chair.

Professor Peng Hua-Xin (right) with the President of ICCM Takeda (middle) and ICCM21 Executive Chair Prof. Leng Jinsong (left)

With the theme of “Innovation and Development of AdvancedComposite Materials”, this conference consists of 7 themes with 62 Tracks, spanning across composite materials science, structural design,experimental methods, mechanical properties, multifunctional and intelligentcomposite materials, manufacturing, applications. More than 2,000 scholars from 48 countriesand regions participated in the conference, which promoted the communication ofcomposite materials researchers all over the world. During the ICCM 21, the “High-end Forum on International Engineering TechnologyDevelopment Strategy – Lightweight and Advanced Composite Materials Forum forEquipment Engineering” was held, which was sponsored by the Chinese Academy ofEngineering, the Department of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering andthe Chinese Society for Composite Materials. There were more than 20 domestic andforeign fellows from the Chinese Academy of Science and hundreds of expertstaking part in the forum. Professor Peng Hua-Xin and the Vice President of theChinese Society for Composite Materials, Professor Xu Jian, together with Professor ChengLaifei hosted the panel discussion session of the forum.


Prof. Peng Hua-Xin (second on the right) and Vice Chairmanof Chinese Society for Composite Materials Xu Jian (first on the right) hosting the Panel discussions

The reception dinner of ICCM21 was held on 24th, August. Morethan 2000 scholars in the field of composite materials gathered together tocelebrate the grand event. During the dinner party, professor Peng Hua-Xin hosted the handover ceremony for ICCM22 (chaired by professor AdrianMouritz) and ICCM23 (chaired by professor Brian Falzon). 


Prof. Peng Hua-Xin hostingthe handover ceremony for ICCM22 and ICCM23

Professor AdrianMouritz, chariman of ICCM22

Professor Brian Falzon, chariman of ICCM23


Professor Peng Hua-Xin as the Program Co - chair and Theme Leader

Research fellows and students of the Institute for CompositesScience Innovation of Zhejiang University actively attended this composites event. The Deputy Director Qin Faxiang was the session chair of the“Multi-Function Composite Design” session and the “MiniOral Report” session and gave an invitedtalk on “Optimization of Magnetic Microwires and Its Application inStructural Health Monitoring” in the “Self-Test and Diagnosis” session. Postdoctor Luoyang, graduate student Zheng Xuefei, Sun Jie gave oral and poster presentations. Institute Administrative Assistant Ms. Yang Yang participated in the organization ofthe conference by assisting the communication between the academic scholars and the conference organizingcommittee.


Prof. Qin Faxiang and PhDstudent Zheng Xuefei with poster on exhibition


Institute for Composites ScienceInnovation

25th July, 2017

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