Springer: Ferromagnetic Microwire Composites


Ferromagnetic Microwire Composites: From Sensors toMicrowave Applications

The academicmonograph, Ferromagnetic Microwire Composites: From Sensors to MicrowaveApplications, written by Prof. Peng Huaxin and Prof. Qin Faxiang, has beenpublished by Springer, a internationally renowned science and technology press,in March, 2016.

Springer is one ofthe world's largest science and technology press. With more than 150 years ofhistory, Springer is known for publishing academic publications coveringmaterials, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering and so on.

Prof. Peng Huaxin,selected in the tenth batch of national long-term thousand talents in 2014,joined the School of Materials Science and Engineering Zhejiang University, andfounded the Institute for Composites Science Innovation in May 2015. The mainresearch directions of Prof. Peng: aerospace fiber reinforced resin matrixcomposites; multifunctional composite materials; metal-ceramic composites;nanocomposites and coatings; microstructure design at nano, micro andmesoscale.

Prof. Qin Faxiang,selected in the “Hundred Talents Program” of Zhejiang University in 2015,joined the Institute for Composites Science Innovation of Zhejiang University;in March 2016. He was selected as the 12th National “Youth Thousand TalentsProgram”. The main research direction: multi-functional composite materials;super composite materials; stealth materials; soft magnetic materials.

Research onmagnetic microfilaments can date back to the 1950s, focusing on its own softmagnetic properties and its application to sensors. In 2007, Prof. Peng Huaxinand Prof. Qin Faxiang proposed a new idea of using magnetic microwires torealize multifunctional composite materials and pioneered this researchdirection internationally. After years of hard work, through the in-depth studyof the design optimization of microscopic and mesoscopic structures ofcomposite materials and related basic theories, the multi-functionalcharacteristics of high-sensitivity stress sensing, electromagnetic shielding,microwave absorption and metamaterial properties have been realized. Compositematerials have broad application prospects in key engineering fields such asstructural health monitoring of aerospace composite components, microwavestealth of aircraft and ships.This monograph consists of 13 chapters and 245pages. It systematically expounds the preparation of magnetic microfilaments,the analysis of giant magneto-impedance characteristics, the design of variousmicro-filament multifunctional composite materials and the physical mechanismof related properties, including the author's nearly ten Major researchachievements and experiences in the field over the years. The third author ofthe monograph, Dr. Manh-Huong Phan, was the first Ph.D. student directed byProf. Peng Huaxin in University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. He iscurrently an associate professor at the University of South Florida.

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