Professor Hua-xin Peng joined Zhejiang University


 24 years after my graduationI am extremely excited to wear the University badge again and start a new professional adventure in the School of Materials Science and Engineering.” Said Professor Hua-xin Peng in the Welcome to Zhejiang University event in the morning of 16th October2014.  Professor Song Yonghua, executive vice president of Zhejiang University, welcomed the arrival of Prof. Hua-xin Peng on behalf of the University and put on the University emblem for him.


Prof. Peng joined the School of Materials Science and Engineering as a full Professor in 2014 from the University of Bristol, UK. He gained his PhD (1996) and MSc (1993) in composite materials. He gained his BEng (1990) in Zhejiang University. He was a full Professor in the Advanced Composites Centre for Innovation and Science (ACCIS) in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Bristol University (member of Worldwide University Network and ranked 29th in the 2014 QS World University Rankings) and served as the founding Deputy Director of the Bristol Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information NSQIand a member of Senate. He also worked as a Research Fellow in the Materials Department at Oxford University (2001-2) and Brunel University (1998-2000).

His research activities follow two main streams: (1): Nanomaterial through Engineering to Applications; and (2) Novel Composites and Microstructures. The latter involves (i) development of ferromagnetic microwire (meta-) composites for a range of ingenious engineering applications such as structural health monitoring; (ii) hierarchical approach to composites microstructures; and (iii) novel applications of actuating shape memory materials. He has published over 130 peer reviewed Journal articles including 3 authoritative monographs in Progress in Materials Science. He has been invited to give Plenary/Keynote/Invited talks at over 30 international conferences/workshops and involved in organizing major international conferences including ICCM. 

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